Thursday, May 18, 2006

In Transit Show 3

The third In Transit: 2 Triathletes Take on the World is up and ready to go! You can find it in iTunes or at our Web site. I think we're finally getting the hang of this. Thanks to everyone who has been listening. This show features our review of a tri night at the LBS, allergies, the velodrome and much more! Also check out our Web site for pics from the velodrome.


Barb said...

Cara, was finally able to listen to your podcasts tonight (I've been without a computer for 3 weeks! Arrg!) I really enjoyed the first two shows and have subscribed in Itunes. Keep up the good work and I'll keep listening!

Cara said...

Cool, thanks Barb!

Anonymous said...

Hey, You guys should check out Amyella... she's not into tri's, but she's pretty damn fit and you both had the same great idea when it came to graphics:

Also, love your blog! Haven't had a chance to listen to the podcast but I will soon!