Sunday, April 08, 2007

In Transit 23

It's finished! You can listen by going to our web site or accessing it in iTunes-- it should be available shortly. Enjoy!


Kate said...

Nice show. I am about halfway through (have to save the rest for my next workout). I have some stuff that I would like to add about pregnancy and exercise that I researched in physical therapy school. I am going to post it on my blog in the next couple of days.
Again, fantastic show as always.

Trisaratops said...


Can't wait to check it out! I'm so behind!

Anonymous said...

I'm famous! I was on InTransit! haha.

I think you need an extra segment for the best way to take in calories during workouts. "Exercize your gut"

Thanks for the link too.

TRI Vortex said...

Finally I can breath again! Yay Two Tri-Chicks Try To Take a Trip on our Terrestrial Territory.