Monday, July 28, 2008

Bike Love

I rode all 3 of my bikes today:

1. Rode the fixie to commute to work.

2. Rode the road bike after work for a regular training ride.

3. Rode into town to meet a friend for dinner on my 29er-- my light was already set up on this one, plus I have been neglecting it. I have to say I forgot how much of a blast it is to ride.

Woot. Root.

A successful day!


Jamie said...

You've got quite the arsenal of bikes! I"M JEALOUS!

I've gotta work on upgrading to a tri bike and turning my roadie into a commuter.. mmmmmmmmmmmm :0)

TRI Vortex said...

That reminds me, I've been negleting my Franken-bike. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Todays random fact: In Australia "Root" means "to have sex". It is slang and can't be found in the dictionary. All the Aussie's reading your blog would have laughed when they saw your Woot Root finish :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.

SixTwoThree said...

You just got tagged because I miss you guys!