Thursday, July 26, 2007


Well, I know it has been FOREVER since I've posted and since Elizabeth and I have turned out a podcast. We are still alive and kickin', but just SUPER busy. We hope to have another show out in the near future.

In the meantime...

Here's my update: Since the tri on the 16th I have done a couple 5k races logging a 25:30 and 25:34, which I was proud of because that puts me at ~ and 8:12 pace. This is a huge improvement in my run pace in the past year.

I was supposed to do a tri on the 4th of July, but it got cancelled, so my next one will be on August 11th and a sprint distance. I'm also registered for an oly on August 26th, a HIM on Sept 23rd, and 10 miler and 20k road races thrown in the mix.

Lots more information to come....


Jamie said...

I was actually just thinking about you two this morning. Glad to see you ladies are both alright, I was getting worried!

Kate said...

good to hear from you

good luck with your upcoming races

I was also starting to worry about you all.

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...

Welcome back to BlogTown. So, when do you return to PodCastville?

Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm glad to see you two are still out there. I've been checking intermittently for a new podcast and was starting to grow concerned. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your shows because not only are they creative and informative about tri and running, they make me giggle! I used to listen...on the work all the time, then i got laid off... so i am going through the older podcasts as i look for work from home! keep up the hardwork! I did my first sprint this July and must say you two played a part in motivating me for that race. you're both missed in podcast-land; take-care!

Cara said...

Thanks everyone! In Transit Duo will be back....

Elizabeth said...

Okay, okay... Let's get the show on the road!! We have LOTS of catching up to do!!!

Drew Holmes said...

OH MY GAWD!!!! where have yo been??? how did the sprint tri go last week???

WELL? your adoring public await you!!!