Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Looks like I could use a pair of trail shoes

Went on a trail run tonight with the peeps from the local running store. Had a great time, but got my road shoes, socks, & legs completely covered in mud. Don't get me wrong, I love getting muddy, but I think I might need to invest in some trail shoes so they'll at least start out a dark color and won't look so bad after a muddy run. I already hosed off these, but they still have a brownish tint. Ah well. I'm retiring this pair after the marathon anyway. Fun times. :)


Kate said...

I LOVE to get muddy too. Sad to see shoes lookin like that but at least they look loved and not like they have been sitting in the closet!

greyhound said...

I think they look GREAT. I've been told you should never show up to running club with new, white shoes, lest they think you're a poser and a newbie.

SixTwoThree said...

Looks like you did the Camp Pendleton Mud Run. Hey, now that you're living in New England, you may want to get something with a little more waterproof protection. Cold slush does not feel good on the toes!